Since 1984 - Celebrating 41 years of covering the entire world

Special Eyecushion for ikan viewfinders

We specially designed this Eyecushion to fit the beautifully made ikan 3.5" 4K LCD Viewfinder. Double thickness padding below an ultra-comfortable yellow Ultrasuede surface provide a luxurious amount of comfort. 8 special holes help conform the Eyecushion around the Camera Operator's eye to minimize the chance of light infiltration. Comes fully assembled and ready to go---simply stretch the neoprene backing around the eye-cup.  Stays in place and won't fall off even in the most extreme environments. This Eyecushion is currently only available upon special request.  $10.00 each - you must email us with your color request and ask us to send you a "draft order".

Oval Large SE is here. Look through the future now.